Elements Of Dental Materials
Material type:
1. Introduction -- 2. Dental Materials and the Oral Environment -- 3. Structure and Properties of Dental Materials: Adhesion, Elasticity -- 4. Properties of Dental Materials (Cont'd): Permanent Deformation, Thermal Properties -- 5. Plaster and Dental Stone. -- 6. Impression Compound. -- 7. Zinc Oxide-Eugenol Impression Pastes -- 8. Impression Materials: Reversible Hydrocolloid -- 9. Impression Materials (Cont'd): Irreversible. Hydrocolloid -- 10. Rubber Impression Materials -- 11. Synthetic Resins: Denture Base Materials. -- 12. Synthetic Resins (Cont'd): Restorative Materials -- 13. Science of Metals: Direct Filling Gold. -- 14. The Science of Metals (Cont'd): Alloys. -- 15. Tarnish and Corrosion -- 16. Dental Amalgam: Microstructure and Properties -- 17. Dental Amalgam (Cont'd): Manipulation. -- 18. Casting Gold Alloys. -- 19. Inlay Wax: Preparation of the Wax Pattern -- 20. Gypsum Investments for Inlay Procedures. -- 21. Casting the Gold Inlay or Crown. -- 22. Causes of Defective Castings -- 23. Dental Cements for Luting and Thermal Insulation; Bases and Cavity Liners -- 24. Silicate Cement. -- 25. Miscellaneous Materials -- 26. Abrasion and Polishing. Dentifrices. -- INDEX.