Object-oriented technology : ECOOP’98 workshop reader : ECOOP’98 workshops, demos, and posters : Brussels, Belgium, July 20-24, 1998 : proceedings
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ISSN 0302-9743. Incluye referencias bibliográficas e índice.
Framework Design and Documentation / Ákos Frohner -- -- Reengineering with the CORBA Meta Object Facility / Frank Gerhardt -- Enforcing Effective Hard Real-Time Constraints in Object-Oriented Control Systems / Patrik Persson -- Online-Monitoring in Distributed Object-Oriented Client/Server Environments / Günther Rackl -- A Test Bench for Software / Moritz Schnizler -- Intermodular Slicing of Object-Oriented Programs / Christoph Steindl -- Validation of Real-Time Object Oriented Applications / Sebastien Gerard -- Parallel Programs Implementing Abstract Data Type Operations --- A Case Study / Tomás Kozsik -- A Dynamic Logic Model for the Formal Foundation of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design / Claudia Pons -- A Refinement Approach to Object-Oriented Component Reuse / Winnie Qiu -- A Compositional Approach to Concurrent Object Systems / Xiaogang Zhang -- Component-Based Architectures to Generate Software Components from OO Conceptual Models / Jaime Gomez -- Oberon-D -- Adding Database Functionality to an Object-Oriented Development Environment / Markus Knasmüller -- Run-time Reusability in Object-Oriented Schematic Capture / David Parsons -- SADES - a Semi-Autonomous Database Evolution System / Awais Rashid -- Framework Design for Optimization (as Applied to Object-Oriented Middlewar) / Ashish Singhai -- Object-Oriented Control Systems on Standard Hardware / Andreas Speck -- Design of an Object-Oriented Scientific Simulation and Visualization System / Alexandru Telea -- Testing Components Using Protocols / Il-Hyung Cho -- Virtual Types, Propagating and Dynamic Inheritance, and Coarse Grained Structural Equivalence / Erik Ernst -- On Polymorphic Type Systems for Imperative Programming Languages: An Approach using Sets of Types and Subprograms / Bernd Holzmüller -- Formal Methods for Component-Based Systems / Rosziati Ibrahim -- Process Measuring, Modeling, and Understanding / Luigi Benedicenti -- The Contextual Objects Modeling for a Reactive Information System / Birol Berkem -- Experiences in Designing a Spatio-temporal Information System for Marine Coastal Environments Using Object Technology / Anita Jacob -- Facilitating Design Reuse in Object-Oriented Systems Using Design Patterns / Hyoseob Kim -- A Reverse Engineering Methodology for Object-Oriented Systems / Theodoros Lantzos -- The Reliability of Object-Oriented Software Systems / Jan Sabak -- Extending Object-Oriented Development Methodologies to Support Distributed Object Computing / Umit Uzun -- A Note on Object-Oriented Software Architecting / Galal Hassan Galal -- COMPARE: A Comprehensive Framework for Architecture Evaluation / Lionel C. Briand, S. Jeromy Carriére, Rick Kazman, Jürgen Wüst -- Experience with the Architecture Quality Assessment of a Rule-Based ObjectOriented System / Jeff L. Burgett, Anthony Lange -- Evaluating the Modularity of Model-Driven Object-Oriented Software Architectures / Geert Poels -- Assessing the Evolvability of Software Architectures / Tom Mens, Kim Mens -- The Influence of Domain-Specific Abstraction on Evolvability of Software Architectures for Information Systems / Jan Verelst -- Object-Oriented Frameworks: Architecture Adaptability / Paolo Predonzani, Giancarlo Succi, Andrea Valerio, Tullio Vernazza -- A Transformational Approach to Structural Design Assessment and Change / Paulo S.C. Alencar, Donald D. Cowan, Jing Dong, Carlos J.P. Lucena -- Reengineering the Modularity of OO Systems / Fernando Brito e Abreu, Goncalo Pereira, Pedro Sousa -- A Contextual Help System Based on Intelligent Diagnosis Processes Aiming to Design and Maintain Object-Oriented Software Packages / Annya Romanczuk-Réquilé, Cabral Lima, Celso Kaestner, Edson Scalabrin -- Analysis of Overriden Methods to Infer Hot Spots / Serge Demeyer -- Purpose: between types and code / Natalia Romero, María José Presso, Verónica Argañaraz, Gabriel Baum, Máximo Prieto -- Ensuring Object Survival in a Desert / Xavier Alvarez, Gaston Dombiak, Felipe Zak, Máximo Prieto -- Exploiting Design Heuristics for Automatic Problem Detection / Holger Bär, Oliver Ciupke -- Design Metrics in the Reengineering of Object-Oriented Systems / R. Harrison, S. Counsell, R. Nithi -- Visual Detection of Duplicated Code / Matthias Rieger, Stéphane Ducasse -- Dynamic Type Inference to Support Object-Oriented Reengineering in Smalltalk / Pascal Rapicault, Mireille Blay-Fornarino, StÈphane Ducasse, Anne-Marie Dery -- Understanding Object-Oriented Programs through Declarative Event Analysis / Tamar Richner, Stéphane Ducasse, Roel Wuyts -- Program Restructuring to Introduce Design Patterns / Mel Ó Cinnéide, Paddy Nixon -- Design Patterns as Operators Implemented with Refactoring / Benedikt Schulz, Thomas Genssler -- "Good Enough" Analysis for Refactoring / Don Roberts, John Brant -- -- An Exchange Model for Reengineering Tools / Sander Tichelaar, Serge Demeyer -- Capturing the Existing OO Design with the ROMEO Method / Theodoros Lantzos, Anthony Bryant, Helen M. Edwards -- Systems Reengineering Patterns / Perdita Stevens, Rob Pooley -- Using Object-Orientation to Improve the Software of the German Shoe Industry / -- Werner Vieth -- Report of Working Group on Reengineering Patterns / Perdita Stevens -- Report of Working Group on Reengineering Operations / Mel Ó Cinnéide -- Report of Working Group on Dynamic Analysis / Tamar Richner -- Report of Working Group on Metrics/Tools / Steve Counsel -- Pattern-Oriented Framework Engineering Using FRED / Markku Hakala, Juha Hautam‰ki, Jyrki Tuomi, Antti Viljamaa, Jukka Viljamaa -- Exploiting Architecture in Experimental System Development / Klaus Marius Hansen -- Object-Orientation and Software Architecture / Philippe Lalanda, Sophie Cherki -- Semantic Structure: A Basis for Software Architecture / Robb D. Nebbe -- A Java Architecture for Dynamic Object and Framework Customizations / Linda M. Seiter -- Type-Safe Delegation for Dynamic Component Adaptation / Günter Kniesel -- Consistent Extension of Components in Presence of Explicit Invariants / Anna Mikhajlova -- Component Composition with Sharing / Geoff Outhred, John Potter -- Late Component Adaptation / Ralph Keller, Urs Hölzle -- Adaptation of Connectors in Software Architectures / Ian Welch, Robert Stroud -- Connecting Incompatible Black-Box Components Using Customizable Adapters / Bülent Kücük, M. Nedim Alpdemir, Richard N. Zobel -- Dynamic Configuration of Distributed Software Components / Eila Niemelä, Juha Marjeta -- Components for Non-Functional Requirements / Bert Robben, Wouter Joosen, Frank Matthijs, Bart Vanhaute, Pierre Verbaeten -- The Operational Aspects of Component Architecture / Mark Lycett, Ray J.Paul -- Architectures for Interoperation between Component Frameworks / Günter Graw, Arnulf Mester -- A Model for Gluing Together / P.S.C. Alencar, D.D. Cowan, C.J.P. Lucena, L.C.M. Nova -- Component Testing: An Extended Abstract / Mark Grossman -- Applying a Domain Specific Language Approach to Component Oriented Programming / James Ingham, Malcolm Munro -- The Impact of Large-Scale Component and Framework Application Development on Business / David Helton -- Maintaining a COTS Component-Based Solution Using Traditional Static Analysis Techniques / R. Cherinka, C. Overstreet, J. Ricci, M. Schrank -- Enriching Constraints and Business Rules in Object Oriented Analysis Models with Trigger Specifications / Stefan Van Baelen -- Business Rules vs. Database Rules - A Position Statement / Brian Spencer -- Elements Advisor by Neuron Data / Bruno Jouhier, Carlos Serrano-Morale, Eric Kintzer -- Business Rules Layers Between Process and Workflow Modeling: An Object- -- Oriented Perspective / Gerhard F. Knolmayer -- Business-Object Semantics Communication Model in Distributed Environment / Hei-Chia Wang, V. Karakostas -- How Business Rules Should be Modeled and Implemented in OO / Leo Hermans, Wim van Stokkum -- A Reflective Environment for Configurable Business Rules and Tools / Michel Tilman -- Bussiness Process Modeling – Motivation, Requeriments, Implementation / Ilia Bider, Maxim Khomyakov -- An Integrated Approach to Object Oriented Modeling of Business Processes / Markus Podolsky -- Enterprise Modelling / Monique Snoeck, Rakesh Agarwal, Chiranjit Basu -- Requirements Capture Using Goals / Ian F. Alexander -- ’Contextual Objects’ or Goal Orientation for Business Process Modeling / Birol Berkem -- Mapping Business Processes to Software Design Artifacts / Pavel Hruby -- Mapping Business Processes to Objects, Components and Frameworks: A Moving -- Target! / Eric Callebaut -- Partitioning Goals with Roles / Elizabeth A. Kendall -- Do Metrics Support Framework Development ? / Serge Demeyer, Stéphane Ducasse -- Assessment of Large Object Oriented Software Systems: A metrics Based Process / -- Gerd Köhler, Heinrich Rust, Frank Simon -- Using Object-Oriented Metrics for Automatic Design Flaws Detection in Large Scale