Computer organization and design : the hardware/software interface
Material type:
- 1558606041
Incluye ejercicios, glosario y lecturas adicionales. -- Contenido del disco: Secciones del libro - Documentación adicional de apoyo al texto - Ejercicios, glosario, índice (del libro y del CD) y lecturas adicionales - Software: simuladores HDL, MIPS y herramientas de diseño FPGA - Tutoriales: SPIM, Verilog y VHDL. --
Computer abstractions and technology -- Instructions: language of the computer -- Arithmetic for computers -- Assessing and understanding performance -- The processor: datapath and control -- Enhancing performance with pipelining -- Large and fast: exploiting memory hierarchy -- Storage, networks, and other peripherals -- Multiprocessors and clusters -- Appendix A. Assemblers, linkers, and the SPIM simulator -- Appendix B. The basics of logic design -- Appendix C. Mapping control to hardware -- Appendix D. A survey of RISC architectures for desktop, server, and embedded computers.