Bonner, Pat

Network programming with Windows Sockets - Nueva Jersey : [S.n.], 1996 - x, 493 p. : il. ; 23 cm

1. Networking overview -- 2. Introduction to Windows Sockets -- 3. Introduction to using Stream Sockets -- 4. Programming with the Windows Sockets Extension -- 5. Using blocking polling Socket Calls -- 6. Using the Database Functions -- 7. Using Datagram Sockets -- 8. Developing Stream Socket applications -- 9. Using Windows Sockets a DLL -- 10. Analyzing LAN traces -- Appendix A Diferences Windows Sockets BSD Sockets -- Appendix B Examples of dynamic rundtime import of WINSOCK.DLL -- Appendix C Summary of FTP -- Appendix D Summary of the TELNET Protocol -- Index

