Head first Android development
- 1st ed.
- Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 2015
- xxxiv, 698 p. : il.
Incluye índice.
Intro -- 1. Getting started: diving in -- 2. Building interactive apps: apps that do something -- 3. Multiple activities and intents: state your intent -- 4. The activity lifecycle: being an activity -- 5. The user interface: enjoy the view -- 6. List views and adapters: getting organized -- 7. Fragments: dealing with children -- 8. Nested fragments: dealing with children -- 9. Action bars: taking shortcuts -- 10. Navigation drawers: going places -- 11. SQLite databases: fire up the database -- 12. Cursors and AsyncTasks: connecting to databases -- 13. Services: at your service -- 14. Material design: living in a material world -- i. ART: The Android Runtime -- ii. ADB: The Android Debug Bridge -- iii. The Emulator: The Android emulator -- iv. Leftlovers: The top ten things (we didn't cover)