TY - GEN AU - Rodríguez,Andrés AU - González,Pascual AU - Rossi,Gustavo Héctor TI - Enactive sketches for designing enactive interactions KW - SISTEMAS CENTRADOS EN EL USUARIO N1 - Formato de archivo PDF. -- Este documento es producción intelectual de la Facultad de Informática - UNLP (Colección BIPA/Biblioteca); CLIHC ཋ. Latin American Conference on Human Computer Interaction (2015 : Córdoba, Argentina). Proceedings. ACM New York, 2015 N2 - The role of sketching for designing enactive interactions is reviewed, a conceptual framework is described and an exploratory case study is analyzed and discussed. The framework is organized as a map with two dimensions: the first one expresses the interactivity embodied in the different representations used by designers. The other dimension organizes the user experience expressiveness achieved by the different sketches. The sketch categories are linked through the attributes of interactivity sought by the designer. The case study supports the need to include some form of interactive sketching for designing of enactive interactions UR - http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2824893.2824908 ER -