TY - GEN AU - Díaz,Francisco Javier AU - Schiavoni,María Alejandra AU - Amadeo,Ana Paola AU - Ray,Duilio TI - Making a teaching material repository accessible: an experience on an open source platform KW - REPOSITORIOS KW - ACCESIBILIDAD WEB KW - recursos abiertos N1 - Formato de archivo PDF. -- Este documento es producción intelectual de la Facultad de Informática - UNLP (Colección BIPA/Biblioteca); Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI) (42ta : 2016 : Valparaiso, Chile) N2 - At the Computer Science School, in the National University of La Plata, they are being used a set of platforms that allow all systematize processes involved in academic administration and the underlying administrative tasks. In the LINTI, New Information Technologies Research Laboratory, it is being developed a project that involves the integration of the repository, implemented using DSpace, with different tools and platforms. Taking the original DSpace software as a basis, modifications were implemented that allowed its communication with Moodle LMS, the library management system called Meran, file management services like DropBox and GoogleDrive and the social network Facebook. Accessibility is a process that cuts across all software development stages, so the use of a free software product requires validation features and then to correct possible faults if it´s necessary. This article describes the repository accessibility validation, considering the proper basic functions and the implemented extensions, the validation results and the changes that are necessary to carry out to ensure Web service accessibility UR - http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/CLEI.2016.7833379 ER -