Apache Maven 2 effective implementation : build and manage applications with Maven, continuum, and archiva
Material type:
- 9781847194541
MAven in a nutshell -- Staying in control with archiva -- Building an application using Maven -- Application testing with Maven -- Reporting and checks -- Useful Maven plugins -- Maven best practices -- Continuum: ensuring the health of your source code -- Continuum in depth -- Archiva in a team -- Archetypes -- Maven, archiva, and continuum in the enterprise.
MAven in a nutshell -- Staying in control with archiva -- Building an application using Maven -- Application testing with Maven -- Reporting and checks -- Useful Maven plugins -- Maven best practices -- Continuum: ensuring the health of your source code -- Continuum in depth -- Archiva in a team -- Archetypes -- Maven, archiva, and continuum in the enterprise.