Pro PHP XML and web services
Material type:
- 9781590596333
"Cover PHP versions 5 and the forthcoming 6" -en cubierta. -- Incluye índice. --
Introduction to XML and web services -- XML structure -- Validation -- XPath, XPointer, XInclude, and the future -- PHP and XML -- Documento Object Model (DOM) -- SimpleXML -- Simple API for SML (SAX) -- XML Reader -- Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) -- Effective and efficient processing -- XML security -- PEAR and XML -- Content syndication: RSS and Atom -- Web Distributed Data Exchange (WDDX) -- XML-RPC -- Representational State Transfer (REST) -- SOAP -- Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) -- PEAR and web services -- Other XML technologies and extensions -- App. A. XML schema built-in data types reference -- App. B. Extension APIs -- App. C. Features and changes in PHP 6.