SCORM communication between learning objects and LMS : an open source based tool

By: Contributor(s): Material type: ArticleArticleDescription: 1 archivo (49,2 KB)Subject(s): Summary: In the recent years, e-learning has become most important due to the extended use of ITs. This has given place to several standards that allow the development of high-quality educational content. The SCORM content creation process requires a series of stages for the identification of learning objects and the incorporation of metadata and communication functions with LMS. Through this communication, it is possible to track the learner's progress during the course. However, incorporating this communication is not a simple task, since to do so, it is necessary to know the standard implementation in detail. This article proposes an Open Source tool, with the goal of making easier the incorporation of functions implementing communication between learning objects and LMS. The tool extends the functionality of an HTML editor, so that the author of a web page has the possibility of adding communication-oriented predefined components at the stage of creation.
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Formato de archivo: PDF. -- Este documento es producción intelectual de la Facultad de Informática - UNLP (Colección BIPA/Biblioteca)

In the recent years, e-learning has become most important due to the extended use of ITs. This has given place to several standards that allow the development of high-quality educational content. The SCORM content creation process requires a series of stages for the identification of learning objects and the incorporation of metadata and communication functions with LMS. Through this communication, it is possible to track the learner's progress during the course. However, incorporating this communication is not a simple task, since to do so, it is necessary to know the standard implementation in detail. This article proposes an Open Source tool, with the goal of making easier the incorporation of functions implementing communication between learning objects and LMS. The tool extends the functionality of an HTML editor, so that the author of a web page has the possibility of adding communication-oriented predefined components at the stage of creation.